These are the positions that are required to staff a swim meet:
Timers: 18 total, plus 1 Head Timer. Each team supplies 9 for away meets; 10 (including head timer) for home meets – 3 total timers per lane. The Senior Meet Official and Head Timer will assign each timer a lane prior to the start of the meet. Timers will STAND at the edge of the pool at the finish of each race, stopping the watch when the swimmer touches the edge of the pool. Timers are not to judge the quality or legality of the swimmers' strokes/turns; just to record the swimmer’s time.
Ribbon Writer: 1 for home and away meets – affixes printed stickers for each swimmer to the back label of the applicable ribbon. Each ribbon writer will take care of the ribbons for his/her team. Ribbon writers may take the occasional break to watch the swimmers, just be sure to get back from time to time so the work doesn’t get too far behind.
Card Runner: Home team supplies one card runner – collects swimmers’ time cards after each event is completed, and brings them to the scoring area.
Scorers/Stroke-and-Turn Officials: 1 for home and away meets – these positions are for experienced team parents (or those with a personal swimming background) who attend training classes for these activities. CVS usually uses two stroke and turn officials who split the meet in half.
Starter/Senior Meet Official: Home team supplies – these positions are also for experienced team parents who attend training classes. Starter brings the swimmers to their marks and releases them for their races. The starter is responsible for ensuring that the swimmers start in unison and will call a “false start” if any swimmer(s) release early. The senior meet official is the overall referee of the swim meet and is responsible for the smooth running of the meet. Any questions, concerns, contentions, are brought to the senior meet official for mediation. The senior meet official reviews all stroke and turn infractions prior to their certification.
Concessions Support: CVS has one or two families who have volunteered as concessions managers for the season. The concession managers oversee inventory of concessions items, ensure their purchase prior to the season and/or meet as applicable, and maintain the budged and monies associated with concessions purchases. During home meets, as many as 4 additional volunteers are needed to help maintain the smooth running of the concessions operation. Concessions managers are exempt from all other volunteer opportunities.